Friday, April 22, 2011

water gurgling

Protect the Hainan gibbon, protect tropical rain forests

Bawangling a synopsis of winter activities, accidents documentary
12 February 6-7, received the recommendation of Fauna and Flora International FFI, green eyes - Volunteer Center of Hainan Green (GVC) Commissioner Zhengyuan Ying, Xu Jingjie, Danzhou Hainan University university environmental community Lin Yucheng, green eyes are volunteers Pan Wei, Institute of Environmental Law Association, Hainan Chen Zuo, green eyes Qionghai volunteers Zheng Yujun Teachers College, Hainan University, Blue Coral Group Jie seven volunteers to lead the National Nature Reserve in Hainan Island, Ching Chung Primary School 42 children to carry out winter activities. intentions to lead students nigh the defended areas to experience nature to convey his perception of nature conservation, environmental protection from infancy to develop agreeable awareness and merits, and wishes to inspire their children home, amend a result of intensified poaching activities which led to rainforest erasure, the status of threatened species.
6 afternoon, we visited the bureau Bawangling Nature Reserve, Conservation Area Authority Director General Tsai for the students to introduce the geographical distribution of protected areas, outlook, ecological and environmental knowledge, and converge on the species in protected areas, especially gibbons do annotate. After the visit, volunteers were divided into three groups along the GVC to lead students in interactive games Bawangling basic school, and via the game to their infiltration of ecological knowledge. At the same time, volunteers also Ching Chung Primary School teachers and students have established a good friendship, and afternoon activities in a loosened and amusement air of the end.
night , staff and students at Bawangling Forest Public Security Bureau session room to see the film Gengrang the children came to accomplish that watching movies of anybody species (including peoples) is very small in the face of nature, the nature of each species to the interdependence and adore for nature.
7 am, after more than 1 hour's bumpy Our team came to the kernel area of ​​protected areas forests mm one gibbon habitat (Wang). We emulate the path along the cliff-depth understanding of gibbon habitat forest habitat, where the age trees, lush vegetation, aesthetic silence, rain and mist filled, apologetic just after the humidity is also much rain, and did not penetrate brutal animals, let alone a gibbon. But listen to the voice of nature, or let everyone enjoy the game a handful. Everyone everywhere crouch, eyes closed Jushen a sudden ruckus are incomplete, as whether the body and also all around mixture. accumulate in the peak of the rain frequently fall, drips blah, ears; not by inches the springs BUZZ, water gurgling, remove and legible; squatting on so quietly, almost freezing in the air appear capable to listen the far sound of a puny dim, perhaps that lovely timid gibbon forward us gently calling friends from afar.
p.m., we command farewell with a cumbersome congratulated an innocent laugh that got into the bus braining for the sea, in the bus jump for high-speed road in the other way, the 2 bus drove to the Pine Township, carrying the 2 days and we get forward with guy teachers said the children, merely also with the hope of Bawangling fled to the mountains, bumps along the course all the direction to dusty rocky road all the direction melody hh
II results of the activities:
1, and students have established a good friendship. in the course led into the character of volunteers in a timely form, the students took good care of, responsible, active process of the atmosphere was very agreeable. by the lukewarm greet to participate in the activities of students, in divide is loath to part time, could not look by them back while inquired. believe that such activities for students will also depart a memories of someone to look inward, this will also help to further missionary work for students.
2, vigorous participation of volunteers, deep emotions. because participation in this event from out of the campus for student volunteers to adjoin these innocent children and then to experience the primeval forest, this is a very special experience. either for a Big Brothers and Big Sisters were to carefully see after these children, alternatively for a educate teacher to lead them to experience nature at the same time to spread ecological knowledge, are so deep that they behalf. If 3 teams in the small team of volunteers very seriously, not only entirely understand the different characteristics of every child, still active in the team label beneath the team attach made up a jingle: few, most in need of conservation behavior! folk, and hope namely environmental pedagogy in the areas of student evolution and Hainan important academies and universities more vast cooperation.
3, and FFI, protected areas and Ching Chung Primary School has built near cooperative relations. from the activities preparatory to the implementation of the We have been FFI, Ching Chung Primary School in the trust and cooperation, Bawangling protected areas has also given a lot of aid, movement is too a process of communication and understanding, I trust that understanding each other has been updated, which will in the hereafter more work The offer may be fired.
course of period, staffing and other factors, many districts still absence correction. At the same time, FFI and Ching Chung Primary School is very thankful to always the teachers and students to partake in activities aboard our confidence and comprehending, thank Bawangling state Nature Reserve, more than just main, Director General Tsai hospitality and cooperation, to thank always the volunteers led the readiness and hard work pay.
This is the premier of the cooperation and exertions, activities in the presence of problems and deficiencies to a lot of commentary adjustment, we believe that future cooperation will be more understanding and agreeable.
Zhengyuan Ying (animal protection project director)
green eyes - Hainan Green Volunteer Center
2008 年 12 月 19 日
activities of collective kin portrait mm According to volunteers in the motorcar

led interactive game: bench
interactive games: Qianlizhuanyin mm
exchange under the shade of our home life
the way we eat Amby mm
environmental membrane Ice Age
mm mm regards to forest eco-game gibbon
listen to the voice of nature
mm rain event in the hope that team photo

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