Friday, April 22, 2011

nearly not nap final night .

Unfortunately, last night and mistakenly ate beef .

no because of how the book could not slumber , the extra difficulties the more sleep before sleep
When points in the forehead and temple rub oil
secure during the daytime to have the spirit to work , whatsoever , I would like the oil into the corporation safe .
tin dream, nearly no sleep last night .
Therefore, , I should ambition to linger by family .
Please joint knowing it. No one namely always right, no one is ever wrong. In my exhausted, melancholy to me , I know what to do In my life sleepwalk to forget , when self-esteem , amuse encouragement to me, what namely ample. I do not always wrong .
so many failures , so many frustration , so much frustration , I have underwent . But in front of you , I am still so crisp, fragile as glass ; still so soft, such for Choudao without water in the water .

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