Wednesday, April 27, 2011

vegetables and fruits

Secret food golden point and
Reasonable diet is a major ingredient. in their diet , grains , vegetables, quality protein , the proportion of elementary food basically reached the golden ratio .
the body's digestive tract is 9 meters long and 61.8 %, about 5.5 meters, is the mission of digestion and absorption take the width of the small intestine .
to grain-based Human beings are omnivores,sailor engineering in the earth and warship orders first, and the maximum fitting mingle of digest effectively vegetarian diet . When the dietary carbohydrates (mainly cereals Starch ) and for 61.8% of absolute calories of heat when the body can best meet the claim for vigor . Therefore , the experts suggested namely folk eat grain- based diets .
drink 5 cups of water in the body accounted because 61.8% of body weight ,beijing massage, excluding sweating, detriment and the absence as a daytime added up to 2500 milliliters of water . in which the afford of semi- solid edible, water and synthesis of water inside the body of about 1,500 ml, and accounted for almost 61.8%. the recess of 1000 ml need to be supplemented , In order to nourish water balance . Therefore, drink at least 5 cups of water per person per day .
eat tall quality protein protein is the most abundant alphabetical stuff body , composed of 20 amino acids , 61.8% of 20 alternatively 12 amino acids for the human body itself Synthesis , the additional 8 amino acids must be supplied at food . Since poor quality grain protein , accordingly, in order to ensure the intake of protein , dietary supply of tall quality protein should reach 61.8%. high-quality protein was mainly base in animal foods and Food legumes .
dine animal and vegetable oils and vegetable oils and animal fats have their physiological feature, vegetable oil and beast portly intake should be invariable with the proportion of the ratio of the golden partition .
acid-base balance of rice, flour, beef, egg , Oil, sugar , wine is acidic foods, eating also many can make the blood acidic , resulting in acidic,toronto asian escort, so that a weakened immune system , vulnerable to ailment. According to statistics , 61.8 % of the disease deserving to acidic. Therefore, we should eat extra Some basic food , so to maintain a natural blood slightly alkaline . alkaline foods are mainly seaweed, food fungi , vegetables and fruits, dietary intake of total share of 61.8%.
Source: People's Daily Online -

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