Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shijiazhuang Weather

March 23 is World Meteorological Day. World Meteorological Organization to resolve this year's theme is: P male and climate P.
climate is the natural environment of human life is an important foundation for economic and social development resources. Affected by natural disasters and the combined effect of human activities, via the Earth's climate system is warming as the main function of the global climate change, which caused prevalent occurrence of extreme weather and climate memorabilia. It can be said of climate and climate change,beijing massage, has not been favor this at all levels of government attention, has never been like this high level of interest by the public.
the State Council spliced magnificent importance to development of meteorological services, a high degree of concern about climate change on people's production and living environment. ***, Wen Jiabao and other central leaders have made many important directions on the meteorological work, P requires weather for building a moderately prosperous society and accelerating socialist modernization to provide effective protection, to improve the universal climate and environment, and promote sustainable development of person society and make affirmative contributions to P . the party's seventh session of the Fifth Plenary Session accepted the In the environment of climate change, climate, climate change, meteorological disaster prevention and cutback are closely correlated with economic and social development, and ecological civilization are closely associated. strengthen the meteorological work as a scientific development and promoting economic and social protection of ecological security an important measure. With the development of social economic, the social feature of meteorological magnificent changes have taken area, from the uncomplicated weather forecasting, disaster prevention and mitigation and development to the present climate change. Similarly, the weather service has also undergone a significant expansion of the functions and changes in public social services amplified to a broad range of areas. from the decision-making services, public services, professional services, special services, development and utilization of climate resources, content-rich massive mission.
Hulunbeier vast territory, presenting a long and chilly winter, dry and windy spring, cool summer, short and autumn temperature drop specifics. is the maximum latitude in China, 1 of the most northern place. the special geographical environment makes the complicated and changeable climate, but also a diversity of meteorological disasters, drought, torrents , rain, tempests, chilly harm, frost, chilly, hail, heat, wind and other weather disasters, and forest and grassland fires, flash torrents and other weather derivative disasters of geological disasters happen frequently on the city's economic development and people's living and ecological environment a more a big shock.
face of natural disasters, the city departments to strengthen monitoring and forecasting weather warning services, early deployment, close surveillance, rolling forecast, active service, timely warning, for the effective union of municipal government and relevant departments of disaster prevention and resilience disaster relief, agriculture and animal husbandry forestry disaster prevention and mitigation, the masses provided a meteorological disaster prevention. meteorological departments adhere to the P public weather, security, meteorology, resources, principles of meteorology P, with P in every likely way to practice, ubiquitous P's service conception, comprehensive, multi- the fashion of providing accurate and timely forecast and warning information, scientific and effective in reducing the losses caused at meteorological disasters. In Hulun dynamic monitoring, sand control project and key projects such as returning farmland to forest and grassland and forest bombard fighting and other anti-grassland work, meteorological department and collaboration play the cardinal conveniences of climate protection and make its deserving contribution to climate-related risks ambition be controlled to a minimum.
tackling climate change, strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation, defending and improving the ecological surroundings is bounden obligation of governments by always levels,m Caprice, merely too the liability of every citizen. We ought Meteorological Day this for an opportunity to popularize meteorological perception warmhearted to promote the entire society is extra concerned about climate change, more caring, comprehending and assist of meteorology. First meteorological divisions to improve the accuracy of weather monitoring and forecasting, disaster admonition timeliness. in the face of caustic weather, defense should be timely, science, meteorological information into weather benefits. Second, the government should play a leading role to build service-oriented government as the goal, more consideration to the magnitude of disaster prevention and mitigation. Coordination of meteorology, agriculture and animal husbandry, water conservancy, transportation, forestry, environmental protection and other narrated departments of normal disaster preparedness and reaction exertions, the formation of P-led government,beijing massage, departmental interaction and social participation P, disaster prevention and mitigation mechanisms. Third, timely and exact information approximately the disaster omen dissemination to the public, popularizing disaster prevention knowledge to the public so the public tin obtain timely information on disaster early warning and disaster that comes ahead and scientific and efficacious amounts to take disaster prevention and emergency hedge.
five P in P-second phase, the meteorological work apt continually enhance the service capability of creating a harmonious society, especially during major weather, major accidents security and emergency climate services the process of paying off. To closely follow the absences of the local meteorological services approximately the department's long-term blueprinting, looking for one entry point as evolution. In meteorological disasters and derivatives misadventure monitoring, prophesying, early warning and advertisement of meteorological information, infrastructure, agriculture and beast husbandry woods meteorological disaster prevention system, web construction, weather and additional weather protection zones, strive for fashionable development. apt reinforce research above weather change,toronto escorts, enhance remodelling and mitigation of weather alteration and the development and utilization of air resources, operational capacity, P Beautiful development for the metropolis, the heave of science, the goal of shared prosperity P apt invest quality weather services,beijing escort, to subserve sound and fast economy development of the metropolis to make current contributions!
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